The grant funding program is available to support projects aimed at conserving and enhancing biodiversity. This funding opportunity is open to individuals, organizations, and community groups that are actively involved in biodiversity works.

The grants can be used for a wide range of activities such as habitat restoration, species protection, and education and awareness programs.

Successful applicants will be awarded funding based on the strength of their proposed project and its potential impact on biodiversity conservation.

The grant application process involves submitting a detailed project proposal outlining the objectives, activities, and expected outcomes. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate a clear understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation and how their project aligns with the goals of the funding program. Funding recipients will be required to provide regular progress reports and may be eligible for additional funding in subsequent years.

Apply now to contribute to the preservation of our precious natural resources.

Apply for a Grant

Building partnerships to restore, conserve and manage Dominica's flora and fauna.

Projects and Grant Types

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

Natural Resources & Commodities

Protected Areas and Sustainability

Deepening Collective Knowledge

  • to increase production of native foods

  • to restore the productive base

  • To conserve indigenous species

  • to promote the ridge to reef concept

  • to add value to nature base

  • Increased production of native foods

  • Improved blue and green circular economies

  • to strengthened nature-based economies

  • to improve water quality

  • to strengthen the health and resilience of coastal habitat

  • to support adaptation and mitigation actions

  • To conserve indigenous species

  • to increase acreages of buffer zones

  • to increase forest coverage

  • to increase wide harvest areas

  • to reduce opportunities of new entrants of invasive species

  • to improve habitats

  • to improve biodiversity of protected areas

  • to reduce risks for endangered species

  • Strengthened systems with or surrounding protected areas; reduce threats to biodiversity

  • to publish conservation related material

  • to collect data

  • to improve knowledge systems

  • to store traditional knowledge

  • to transfer knowledge

  • to improve governance

  • to increase capacity

  • to strengthen institutions

DNCTF WILL NOT fund these projects: 

  • One-time and recurring operation/ administrative costs of ministries, agencies, departments

  • Salaries for executive officers or core organization staff

  • Activities relating to extraction/ depletion of natural resources

  • Purchase of land

  • Projects not consistent with the purpose of the DNCTF

  • Projects related to political campaigns and/or political propaganda

  • Projects that violate provisions of the Inter-American Convention on Corruption

  • Projects that could be expected to give a conflict of interest

Non-Eligible Projects

Eligible Recipients

Public sector agencies: provide an enabling environment for conservation, restoration and management of Dominica's marine and terrestrial biodiversity. 

Private sector agencies: support the conservation, restoration and management of Dominica's marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Corporate agencies shall provide a 2:1 match of cash funds for all proposals and demonstrate project activities are not for profit.

Community groups: conserves, restores and manages flora and fauna in communities in Dominica

NGOs: support community groups in conserving, restoring and managing Dominica's flora and fauna.